Registration on the platform
To register and access the E-learning Courses of School of Health Unitelma Sapienza, it is necessary to be registered on the portal and to have a personal account (username and password).
Registration on the platform is free. To register, follow the steps below:
- Click on the "Login" button at the top of the page, on the right.
- Click on the "Create new account" button and fill out the form with your details.
- An e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you have indicated.
- Read the e-mail and click on the link it contains to confirm the registration.
- Registration is completed, use your username (email address) and password to access the platform.
Note: memorize, print and keep your username (email address) and password in order to have it available in subsequent accesses.
Access to the FAD School of Health Unitelma platform as an already registered user
- Click on the "Login" button at the top of the page, on the right.
- Enter username (email address) and password in the gray box.
- Click on the "Login" button.
Once logged in, you can enroll in new courses or rejoin courses you were already enrolled in.
Sign up for a new course
Procedure to be carried out only the first time you access a course:
After logging into the platform, select the course you wish to participate in.
If the course is free, complete the registration form and you will be registered.
Once you have completed your registration for
a course, you will be able to access it freely whenever you are on the School of Health Unitelma Sapienza E-learning platform.